Minggu, 27 Desember 2015

Late child Talk? Overcome with this therapy

At the age of three years and over, children begin to associate with their peers, so that the speech becomes the main thing in the association.

Now, if the child has a speech delay, you should immediately do the therapy. Not to be confused, because actually there is now a simple therapy to overcome the child slow to speak.

Because if not, one of the problems that caused the child starts hitting himself in the head or pulling clothes because can not express the desire.

Here's a simple therapy to overcome child slow to speak:

- Turn off the television when not watching. Television sound distract the child to hear the conversation.

- Teach children sign language.

- Use simple flash card picture, and have the children mentioned and repeated what he saw.

- Practicing blowing straw blowing eg cotton in the table. This simple way to help strengthen the facial muscles and mouth are widely used when talking.

Children also can be trained to drink through a straw. Chose a unique straw so that children feel interested in this activity.

- Put favorite objects out of reach, so the kids hooked speech asking for help to retrieve it. Teach children to ask for help using sign language and teach pronunciation.

- Always praise the child when attempting or successfully carry out various activities.

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